Dr. Pavel Stodůlka lectured at the ASCRS Conference in Washington D.C.


The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) congress took place in the U.S. capital from April 22 to 26, 2022. The eye surgeon Pavel Stodůlka was among the lecturers of the convention.

Dr. Stodůlka introduced two topics to the audience. The first involved a unique, complex blind patient operation. During this procedure, two artificial corneas were implanted in one blind eye simultaneously. Thanks to a successful operation, the patient sees again. In the second lecture, Pavel Stodůlka focused on centering the lens's laser operation according to the dark target after staining the case of the eye lens. He is the author of this new method, which uses CAPSULaser developed in cooperation with the Gemini Eye Clinic with a prestigious company from California.