Pavel Stodůlka became the first AECOS president coming from Eastern Europe. This confirmed the high


The founder of the Gemini Eye Clinics network, Pavel Stodůlka, was ceremoniously appointed the president of AECOS. He is not only the first Czech but also the first ophthalmologist from the eastern part of Europe to head this prestigious society.

The American-European Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons (AECOS) focuses mainly on the training and education of ophthalmologists and actively promotes innovation in ophthalmology. Its uniqueness lies primarily in connecting ophthalmologists with real-world practice - with investors, manufacturers, or universities. "It is an honor to preside over such a prestigious society. My election confirms the high prestige of Czech eye surgery in the world. As President, I want to establish and maintain the high quality of congresses and educational and innovative activities of the society," said Pavel Stodůlka upon his election.

The official appointment took place at a congress in Antwerp, Belgium, on June 11, 2022. There were inspiring lectures such as those on artificial intelligence, trends in ophthalmology, new lasers for eye surgery, and the position of women - doctors - in eye surgery.

Grants for research and development in ophthalmology are also awarded at the congress. Pavel Stodůlka, as the company's new president, announced the results of a previous grant focused on the causes of dry eye syndrome. He also announced the winner of this year, which will receive a grant for research into a new operating method of keratoconus.